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Malanji donates mealie meal

Kwacha Member of Parliament Joseph Malanji has given more than 2,300 bags of mealie meal to civil servants and party members in his Constituecy as part of the Christmas present.

Speaking when he handed over the 1, 300 bags of mealie meal and 1, 300 5 liters of cooking oil to selected schools, clinics and police stations in Kwacha Constituecy yesterday, Mr Malanji said the gesture is a way to appreciate the work of civil servants who contributie hugely to the development of the nation.

Mr Malanji who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs said the gesture was a Christmas gift and must benefit all even though the presents have come late as he was out of the the country on national duty.

Mr Malanji started by giving Riverside Police station 80 bags of mealie meal and 80 5 liters of Rina cooking oil.

He also gave teachers at Lulamba secondary 81 bags of mealie meal and 81 containers of cooking oil and donated K20, 000 towards the completion of school projects.

Mitanto Secondary received 80 bags of mealie meal, 80 containers of cooking oil and K20,000 for the completion of school projects while Bulangililo secondary school received 67 bags and 67 containers of cooking oil.

He said civil servants are always pressured by government to perform and they save the country diligently by producing good results and providing security to communities hence the need to motivate them.

And speaking when he handed over 1000 bags to the PF members in kitwe’s Riverside residential area Mr Malanji encourage the members to work as one.

Mr Malanji said all teachers from 14 schools in the Constituecy will benefit from the gesture.

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