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The Independent Observer > by elections > Malanji addresses stakeholders in Madagascar’s elections

Malanji addresses stakeholders in Madagascar’s elections

The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Electoral Observer Mission in Madagascar(SEOM) has been launched.

Head of the SADC Mission and Zambia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph  Malanji, in his capacity as representative of President Edgar Lungu, has met all stakeholders of the upcoming Madagscar elections.

Mr Malanji stated that his mission would focus on ensuring that processes leading to the election, political campaigns, counting of ballots and elections results met SADC elections standards.

He stated that SADC Election Observer Mission team was invited by the National Electoral Commission of Madagascar (CENI).

Mr Malanji said that SADC had picked 10 most populous provinces and regions to out of the 22 regions.

He said a preliminary statement on the state of the upcoming elections scheduled for 9th November 2018.

He said the Mission will observe the elections using SADC guidelines governing democratic elections.

And SADC Director of the Organ on Politics, said the Mission was in Madagscar to help strengthen democratic processes and institutions of the country.

He said Malanji and his team earlier paid a courtesy call met the interim President, Rivo Rakotovao.

By imperative of the Constitution of Madagascar, incumbent President Hery Raojanamarampianina resigned sixty days before elections.

The law says in Madagascar- In order for an incumbent president to run for a second term in office, has to step down or step aside and hand over to an interim president. It’s only at this stage that one is eligible to run for another term in office.

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