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Make leaders accountable for their speech-MMD

Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Diehards have castigated their former party presiden Nevers Mumba for his unashamed behaviour of applauding the Judiciary the same institutions he insulted.

Leader of the youths of the former ruling party Gerald  Chiluba said it is shocking how his former President U-turns on issues seeing that it is not long ago when he teamed up with some frustrated individuals in castigating the judiciary which he is today praising.

Mr Chiluba said his former President will do anything including misleading the nation as long as it benefits him.

He said that Dr Mumba’s latest stunts are nothing more than a ploy meant to secure him a job from the PF.

“This type of politics which is driven purely by individual interests should not be tolerated anymore in our democratic dispensation and political discourse, people should be held accountable for what they say. Zambia’s image is being dented by such individuals whose main reason for criticizing the government is premised on personal ambitions over the collective agenda of a Nation,” he said.

Chiluba has since called on Zambians to start holding their leaders accountable to what they say and ensure that allegations made by leaders are based on evidence as opposed to mere hullicinations as has been the case lately.

“Dr Mumba’s recent political stunt of deliberately supporting the government has being necessitated by his selfish desire to seek employment.

“We want to urge Zambians not to be carried away with the falsehood which is been propagated by most political leaders in order to give a wrong impression of our governance. People should instead begin to insist for evidence based allegations whenever there is any allegation raised by any politician, as most have proven today to be mere outburst and baseless hallucinations,” he said.

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