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The Independent Observer > Religion > Maintaining a good relationship before and after parting company

Maintaining a good relationship before and after parting company

By Rev Clifford Chisha
There are times in life when parting company becomes necessary.

Maintaining sound relationships when separation takes place is very important.

There are various reasons why people part company.

Some part company because of termination of contract, being fired, conflicts or disagreements, opportunities, growth or promotion.

Whatever causes the separation, maintaining sound relationships is cardinal.

It’s common for people to talk ill of their former organisation or superiors.

Some demonize those who leave them, sometimes even hours after praising them because they have left.

This culture has destroyed relationships.

If not careful, some end up becoming bitter and too personal to an extent where they cease to be objective and truthful.

Here are some great lessons we can learn from Abraham and Lot’s separation.

GENESIS 13:8-9

So Abram said to Lot, “Let’s not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers.

Is not the whole land before you? Let’s part company. If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.”

To avoid quarreling or strife, Abram (who became Abraham) proposed a separation.

Sometimes separation becomes the best solution to strife.

Lot and Abram’s possessions were so great that they could not dwell together.

The land could not support both of them dwelling together resulting into strife between their herdsmen of their livestock.

What necessitated Lot and Abram’s separation was growth in wealth.

The reason Abram gave for the need to avoid quarreling was that they were kinsmen.

Lot was actually Abram’s nephew.

Abram valued his relationship with Lot.

Some Bible scholars say that what Abram meant by saying that “for we are brothers or kinsmen was that both were men (or people).

As human beings, the fact that we are people should cause us to avoid strife and encourage us to maintain good relationships.

Their herdsmen had differed but Abram and Lot seems to have had avoided being drawn into those differences.

If we are not careful, the people who support us can unnecessarily draw us into differences.

It’s possible to avoid strife and part company peacefully.

Abram and Lot did.

Sometimes parting company brings peace and comfort.

Abram rescued Lot from captivity after their separation.

After separating from Abram and settling in Sodom, Lot was taken captive by an alliance of four kings who invaded the Jordan valley.

Abram mobilised an army of three hundred and eighteen (318) and after defeating those who took Lot, Lot’s possession and Lot himself were recovered.

(GENESIS 14:11-16)

If Abram and Lot had not maintained a good relationship, most likely, Abram wouldn’t have come to Lot’s rescue.

He used his army and resources to rescue Lot.

Abraham (his name had changed by then) interceded for Sodom.

GENESIS 18:23-33

Most likely, Abram interceded for Sodom with Lot in mind.

He didn’t wish Lot failure or death.

We should always have tomorrow in mind.

No one knows what may happen tomorrow.

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