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The Independent Observer > News > Lusambo’s rants offside, divisive-Copperbelt Youths

Lusambo’s rants offside, divisive-Copperbelt Youths

Lusaka Minister Bowman Lusambo has angered the PF youths on the Copperbelt for saying the just ended Copperbelt PF intra party elections had campaigns centred on Black mountain.

Newly elected Copperbelt Youth Chairperson Don Mungulube said Mr Lusumbo will not be allowed to divide the party on the Copperbelt.

Mr Mungulube was reacting to media reports where Mr Lusumbo was quoted saying the campaigns for the PF intra party were centred on Black mountain in Kitwe.

But the youths have reminded Mr Lusambo who is also Chifubu PF MP to respect the outcome of the elections if he is truly a member of PF .

“We also find his reference to the black mountain as misplaced because the electoral collage that defeated Hon Lusambo’s choice is not at the black mountain but from the entire province.

“As a respectable Member of Parliament, he must support any democratic process because even him he is a leader because of the same process he wants to undermine today,” he said.

The youths reminded Mr Lusambo that PF is a collective entity which we will not allow individuals championing self desire to bull doze the party with some cartels propagating hidden agenda.

Mr Mungulube said Mr Lusambo as a senior member of party should not take centre stage to discredit the highest organ of the party which is the Central Committee which conducted the election in a very peaceful and fair manner supported by the party Constitution.

“Truth be told Hon Bowman Lusambo must by now be encouraging his preferred candidate who he mislead to think his involvement and support would see his candidate win the election.

“Hon Bowman Lusambo can do better by advising his preferred candidate by excepting defeat and submitting to work with the elected Executive, the MMD old culture of bull dozing his way will not work in PF,” he said.

He said youths on the Copperbelt will not allow him to drive his ill bent intentions to divide the Province.


Full statement below

The Statement by Hon Bowman Lusambo through The Zambian Observer where he has described the Provincial Elections as being Useless- is offside, divisive

Hon Bowman Lusambo will not be allowed to divide the party on the Copperbelt Province and he has to respect the outcome of the elections if he is truly a member of PF .

We also find his reference to the black mountain as misplaced because the electoral collage that defeated Hon Lusambo’s choice is not at the black mountain but from the entire province.

As a respectable Member of Parliament a law maker he must support any Democratic process because even him he is a leader because of the same process he wants to undermine today.

PF is a collective entity and we will not allow individuals championing self desire to bull doze the party with some cartels propagating hidden agenda.

The statement was an eye opener that some leaders want to come and take over the PF leadership at the national convention.

Hon Bowman Lusambo as a senior Member of Party should not take centre stage to discredit the highest organ of the party which is the Central Committee which conducted the election in a very peaceful and fair manner supported by the party Constitution.

Truth be told Hon Bowman Lusambo must by now be encouraging his preferred candidate who he mislead to think his involvement and support would see his candidate win the election.

We know the money he invested in these elections but let him take heart.

Copperbelt youths will not allow any level of divisive and indiscipline media statements.

Hon Lusambo he is supposed to be encouraging his preferred candidate to start working with the newly elected Provincial Executive under the able leadership of MCC Nathan Chanda who has since extended an olive branch to those who lost the elections for the betterment of the growth of the party.

Hon Bowman Lusambo must not take the peaceful people of Copperbelt for granted for they have not forgotten the divisions he brought to the Copperbelt province.

Hon Bowman Lusambo can do better by advising his preferred candidate by excepting defeat and submitting to work with the elected Executive, The MMD old culture of bull dozing his way will not work in PF.

As Copperbelt Youths will not allow him to drive his ill bent intentions to divide the Province.

My advise to our respected Hon Mp Bowman Lusambo must care so much about the divisions he has caused in his constituency.

Copperbelt province is in capable hands and very soon party mobilization will commerce to ensure victory is attained come 2021 under the our able leader of President Edgar Lungu.

Hon Bowman Lusambo is politically unhealthy and needs to be taught about political dynamics and not trying to fool the voters who deposited their trust in the newly elected Provincial Executive under the Chairmanship of Nathan Chanda MCC.

Mr Chanda is better placed with great understanding of the Copperbelt glass roots, which voted in the last provincial Conference elections.

The conference was opened by President of our great Party President Edgar Lungu and elections were conducted by the elections Committee under the chairmanship of Hon Yamfwa Mukanga and was later closed by the Secretary General of Party Hon Davies Mwila, security matters were in the spotlight of our respected national Youth chairman Hon Steven Kampongo.

Meaning calling the elections unless is an insults to all the stakeholders who participated in ensuring outcome of the elections were credible

We want to advise Hon Bowman Lusambo to be above board in promoting the growth of the party on the Copperbelt and not bringing divisions which is known to be part of his DNA.

History is there for everyone to see how he helped MMD out of power because of his culture of politics which has no direction.

“Respect must be sort from our actions.. While actions will define our characters” because we’re what we’re by what we do…

For Copperbelt Province
Provincial Youth Chairman
Don Mungulube

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