Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has been invited by World Bank to attend the 20th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty in Washington DC, United States of America.
The Land and Poverty Conference presents the latest research innovation in policies and good practices on land governance around the world.
The conference has become one of the largest international events on land governance, attracting over 1,500 participants from governments, academics, civil society and the private sector.
This year’s Conference will take place from 25th to 29 March under the theme is “Catalysing Innovation”.
Some of the topics to be discussed are Land policy and political economy, Land markets and structural transformation, Data integration and interoperabity for public service provision.

Others are Institutional innovation and private sector participation, News ways of land data capture and analysis and many more beneficial topics.
LCC City Council stands to benefit from the conference because the Council is currently pursuing land policies which include partnering with the Ministry of Lands to issue titles to land owners in Peri-Urban areas and new ways of data capturing.
Issuance of titles will improve security of tenure for residents and in the long run improve the revenue base for the Council.
The Mayor will be accompanied by two Councillors and Town Clerk.