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Lusaka Mayor installed after petition against her was dismissed

New Lusaka Mayor, Chilando Chitangala has been installed as the city’s leader after the petition against her electoral victory was dismissed.
Speaking at the installation ceremony Minister of Local Government, Gary Nkombo has reminded Ms Chitangala that managing a city in a developing country such as Zambia is not a pleasure nor luxury but a profound and heavy responsibility.
He said her contribution towards enhanced service delivery will be judged by what she will have achieved at the end of her tenure.


The out come of the Tribunal on Local Government Elections has declared that PF’s Chilando Chitangala was duly elected as Lusaka Mayor.

The Tribunal chaired by magistrate Dominic Makalicha dismissed the petition filed by losing UPND candidate Victor Nyasulu because he failed to prove the bribery and corruption allegations against Chitangala.

Nyasulu had alleged that Chitangala was not duly elected because she engaged in electoral malpractices.

However, Chitangala in her defence denied all the allegations against her.

In its judgment, magistrate Makalicha said there is no evidence on record to show illegality and the allegations of vote buying were not prevalent in Lusaka or widespread and could not prevent the majority from voting for candidate of their choice.

He therefore, dismissed the petition against Chitangala and declared that she was validly elected as Lusaka Mayor.

The Tribunal said Chitangala and her agents had nothing to do with the allegations as they were perpetrated by the PF and could not be held liable for the acts done by the party which she did not give consent as a candidate.

The Tribunal said Chitangala cannot be blamed for the alleged pre-marked ballot papers.

A witness, Phineas Kazonga, who was an assistant presiding officer at Matero Hall

PF deputy Mobilisation chairperson, Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba known as GBM that he asked him to get 8000 ballot papers out of which 3000 were pre-marked in favour of Chitangala and fuse them with other ballot papers at the hall.

But the Tribunal dismissed this allegation, saying Chitangala did not give consent.