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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Lusaka Mayor impressed with developments at Sinoma Cement plant

Lusaka Mayor impressed with developments at Sinoma Cement plant

Lusaka Mayor, Miles Sampa, says he is impressed with the progress made by Sinoma Cement Company of Lusaka.

The company which was launched in 2015 has since set up a cement plant and producing 60,000 x 50 kg bags of cement per day.

Mr Sampa observed this when he toured the cement plant in Lusaka yesterday.

“I am really impressed with the amount of development this company has attained since its launch in 2015,” he said.

The city father was particularly happy that he was the one assigned to officiate at the launch of the company in 2015 when he served as Commerce Deputy Minister.

He said the company is likely to create more jobs to Zambian youths when it attains full production of 75,000 x 50kg bags of cement per day by engaging them as direct employees and also indirectly as distributors of cement.

” I am here to give solidarity, encourage and remind the company to grow even bigger and employ more of our youths,” he remarked.

The Mayor pledged to support any efforts aimed at creating jobs for youths in the city.

Mr Sampa is a champion of youth empowerment as this can be attested by the many programmes he is pursuing aimed at youth empowerment in the city.

And company public relations manager, Wang Weiqi expressed gratitude over the Mayor’s visit and words of encouragements.

Mr Weiqi said his company has received a warm welcome into Zambia in general and Lusaka in particular.

He said investing in Zambia will further improve the relationship which exists between Zambia and China.

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