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The Independent Observer > News > Lusaka Mayor assaults Memorial Park manager

Lusaka Mayor assaults Memorial Park manager

 Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa has allegedly assaulted a manager of memorial park over undisclosed dispute.

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Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo has confirmed of receiving a report of Assault AOBH in which Lawrence Nsoma 34, of Chelston Green was assaulted.

Ms Katongo said Ms Nsoma who is also a General manager at Memorial Park ,reported that he was assaulted by a person who he identified as Miles Sampa.

She said the complainant sustained injuries on the face and a stick is alleged to have been used in the act.

“The incident is reported to have occurred at the accused person’s home in Nyumba Yanga at 20:30 hours on May 30, 2020. Later around 23:00 hours the same day, police received a report of Criminal trespass from Miles Sampa who alleged that six people went to his home and harassed his workers. Investigations have been instituted in both matters,” she said.

medical report for Mr Nsompa

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