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Lusaka man arrested for faking abduction

A 38 year- old bricklayer of Garden Township in Lusaka has been arrested after he faked his abduction because of failure to carry out bricklaying contracts.

Winston Michelo was contracted to carry out bricklaying works by two individuals of Chalala and nine miles respectively, but failed to do the works.

In an attempt to bolt, he connived with his friend Victor Chipupu who went to the police and reported Michelo as an abducted person.

Zambia Police deputy spokesperson Danny Mwale said Police in Lusaka are holding two people for the offence of Publication of False news with intent to cause fear and alarm to the public.

“Brief facts are that Winston who is a bricklayer had a contract with a named man at Nine miles area in Lusaka at the same period he had another contract in Chalala area of Lusaka, It is alleged that Winston agreed with Victor to inform the named man of Nine miles that he had been abducted by unknown people,” he said.

Mr Mwale says police instituted investigations into the matter and discovered that the alleged reported abduction was fake.

“The two were apprehended and are currently detained in police custody. When interrogated, Winston revealed that he had a running contract in Nine Miles area and at the same time he was contracted by another person in Chalala where he was supposed to go and carry out some works. In avoiding meeting the man who contracted him earlier, he connived with his friend to report that he had been abducted by unknown people,” he said.