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Lusaka husband arrested for defiling daughter

A Lusaka woman has reported her husband to police after he allegedly defiled his stepdaughter and her niece.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said in a statement that the incident occurred between October 2022 and 9th November, 2022 at around 20:00 hours.

Mr Hamoonga said the report was made at Mary Mwango Police Post on 9th November, 2022 at 21:00 hours in which a aged 27 year old woman of unknown house number in Chalala area reported on behalf of her nine years old niece  and her daughter aged four who were both defiled by her husband to the complainant Brian Sakala

“Brief facts of the mater are that the neighbors noticed that there was something wrong with the nine year old girl as she always seemed to be crying and isolating herself, on  November,9th 2022 as she was sent to go and buy something from a nearby home shop she was crying and that prompted the neighbors to ask the girl as to why she was crying,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga  said the victim narrated the ordeal that her uncle has been having unlawful canal knowledge of her, that made the neighbors to report the matter to the police.

“Police followed the same report, they discovered that he was just from having unlawful canal knowledge with his four  year old step daughter as she was left under his custody when his wife had gone to look for the niece.

Mr Hamoonga said the suspect has been apprehended and he is in police custody.

He also said that  medical report forms were issued to the 2 victims and police  investigations are ongoing.