The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has closed down eight business premises in the Central Business District (CBD).
The eight business premises, among them a restaurant, a butchery, a bakery and five nonfood item shops were found trading in unsanitary conditions contrary to the Public Health Act
LCC Public Relations Manager George Sichimba said shop workers clear waste from their shops and dump it on roadsides with the hope that council would go and collect for free.
Mr Sichimba said the restaurant was found operating with sewer discharging in an open environment because of the blocked sewer system within the premises.
He said the butchery and bakery were closed for poor storage of food which was found piled on the floor contrary to the Food and Drugs Act and the Public Health Act.
The other shops were closed for accumulated waste in front of their shops due to non-subscription to solid waste management system.
“The Public Health Inspectors, accompanied by Health Committee Chairperson and vice Councillor George Daka and Councillor Lackson Sakala respectively, yesterday swung into action and closed business premises in the CBD,” he said.
Mr Sichimba said the closed business premises would only be reopened for business after meeting the set sanitary standards.
He said the team also ordered bus drivers who have developed a habit of packing buses along the filter lane of Lumumba Road as they wait for their turn to load at City Market Bus Station to stop forthwith.

Mr Sichimba said the buses are creating an environment for people to do illegal activities such as open defecation and illegal dumping of waste behind the parked buses.
“Council is appealing to business establishments and the general populous in Lusaka to maintain high standards of hygiene this rainy season and beyond. The local authority will not hesitate to close down all business outlets operating in unsanitary conditions to protect the general public from contracting diseases,” he said.
Meanwhile, LCC has demolished all makeshift stalls and booths mushrooming along Kafue Road reserve.
He said the makeshift stalls and booths were erected without planning permission from the Council the move to stop the illegality before it gets out of hand.
“Kafue Road is one of the roads earmarked for expansion under the Lusaka Decongestion Project and the contractor, AFCON Construction, is already on site.
LCC has constantly been warning people to avoid putting up structures in road reserves and on/under service lines such as water pipes and ZESCO power lines without the approval of Council,” he said.