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Lusaka Council rolls Green, health campaign

By Staff Writer
Lusaka City Council (LCC) has begun to roll out the re-lauched Make Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy Campaign to ward level.

The first ward to launch the campaign was Kabwata Ward Six a week ago.

The area Councillor Longa Chiboboka launched the campaign with a call for residents of his ward to own the campaign and fully participate in it.

The next ward to launch the campaign will be Lilayi Ward Four on May 18, 2018.

Here the community through their civic and community leaders have organised the activities in such a way that residents of the ward will team up with those from neighbouring wards of Chilanga district to launch the campaign through cleaning activities.

The third ward to lauch the campaign will be Kamulanga Ward where the area Councillor, Jonas Phiri, is mobilising his residents and resources for the launch.

The programme will finally be launched in all the 33 wards across the Seven Constituencies of Lusaka City.

Community members through there civic and other community leaders are being encouraged to mobilise themselves and resources for launch.

Council officials will only be invited to witness the cleaning activities and render technical assistance where necessary.

LCC has taken this approach to encourage community participation, ownership of the campaign and mindset change.

Community participation, ownership of the campaign and mindset change by residents is the only sure way of sustaining the campaign.

In the past, residents have taken the campaign as the programme for Councils, a situation which has led to past campaigns to fail.

The local authority is also taking advantage of the lauches to sensitise residents about the contents of the Statutory Instrument (SI) No. 12 of 2018.

The Council is therefore appealing to all residents. Civil Society and the corporate world alike to partner with LCC in this campaign and other programmes of similar nature.

The campaign is for every individual and organisation as His Excellence the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr.  Edgar Charges Lungu rightly put it when he re-launched the campaign at Soweto Market on 28th April, 2018.

This is according to media statement made available to The Independent Observer by LCC Acting Public Relations Manager George Sichimba.


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