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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Lusaka Council impound vehicle used to dump refuse

Lusaka Council impound vehicle used to dump refuse

Lusaka City Council (LCC) has impounded a vehicle suspected to be used for illegal transportation and dumping of waste along Tokyo Way in Chalala area.

The vehicle, Toyota Hiace registration number ABL 5533, was impounded yesterday following a tip off by a resident of Chalala.

The alert and courageous resident trailed the vehicle up to where the driver wanted to illegally dump the waste.

The resident becomes suspicious because the vehicle is allegedly seen every Monday.

Upon realising that he was being followed, the driver abandoned the vehicle and ran away.

The alert resident took pictures of the vehicle and sent to council.

Council police officers rushed to the scene and managed to toll the vehicle to Civic Centre where it is still parked.

Investigations have been instituted to establish the owner of the vehicle and the source of waste.

Indications are pointing to the fact that the waste should have come from a bar because most it is empty bottles.

When investigations are concluded and the owner   of the vehicle and the source of waste is established, the culprits would be charged in line law.

This is according to a media statement made available to The Independent Observer by LCC Public Relations Manager George Sichimba.

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