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The Independent Observer > News > Lusaka businessman robbed and shot

Lusaka businessman robbed and shot

Five criminals armed with an AK 47 rifle and two pistols have shot Lusaka Businessman Goodward Mulubwa and robbed him of 50,000 Kwacha and 300 United States Dollars cash.

Zambia Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga says police received a report of aggravated robbery in which the victim is Mr Mulubwa aged 58 of house number 61 Twin Palm Road, Kabulonga in Lusaka.

Mr Hamoonga said that the incidence occurred on October, 30,  2021 at around 23:00 hours at Mr Mulubwa’s residence.

Mr Hamoonga said the victim sustained 10 Gunshot wounds on the left shoulder, a cut on the right forefinger, two cuts on the back of the head, seven gunshot wounds on the left side of the face and five gunshot wounds on the right arm.

Mr Mulubwa aslo said that the criminals were wearing masks.

Mr Hamoonga said Police are investigating the matter.