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The Independent Observer > OS > Lungu inspects floods in Luapula, Northern Provinces

Lungu inspects floods in Luapula, Northern Provinces

The Head of State could, however, not address the affected families because the helicopters could not land and in view of the restrictions on public gathering following the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

President Lungu said that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) will provide mealie meal and other essentials to the affected families.

The President said he conducted the inspection in order to appreciate the challenge faced by the people.

President Lungu also said he avoided coming with officials as well as addressing people because of the restrictions due to the coronavirus.

However, President Lungu took advantage of the few individuals that he came across to educate them on the dangers of the Covid-19.

He urged people in rural areas not to take chances but avoid crowded places and ensure that they wash their hands with soap, regularly.

And the Head of State said government will provide relief food to the affected families, while working on a long-term solution.

President Lungu said his government cares for the poor and that they will be helped during this difficulty time.


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