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The Independent Observer > News > Lubambe, RDA partners with councils to work Chingola-Kaumbalesa Rd

Lubambe, RDA partners with councils to work Chingola-Kaumbalesa Rd

Lubambe Copper Mines has partnered with the Road Development Agency (RDA) to do some road maintenance works on a stretch of 38 kilometers between Chingola and Chililabombwe.

Lubambe Mine Communications Manager Loyce Saili said the mine will do some road maintenance works from Solwezi turnoff to Kasumbalesa Border at a cost K352, 077.

Speaking during a media tour for Corporate Social Responsibility activities Ms Saili said the road is a critical link for the mine as it facilitates the transportation of copper concentrate from the mine to other towns on the Copperbelt.

She said the works will be done in 45 days because once the road is cut off the operation of the mine will be affected.

“We need the road to be in good condition to carry on with our business, so as part of our cooperate social Responsibility (CSR) we have partnered with the RDA, Chingola and Chililabombwe Municipal Councils to try and put this road together,” she said.

Ms Saili said the works are just maintenance works to make the roads passable.

She said the partnership is tripartite as the Councils will be providing Llbour whilst Lubambe will provide construction materials and RDA is providing technical support through the supervision of the works and Machinery.

Ms Saili said these are setup measures before a permanent solution is sort as the road is important to the economy of this national as it is used by international truckers.

And RDA Copperbelt Regional Manager Joseph Mululi said that partnership that are meant to deliver public service are encouraged.

Mr Mululi said this initiative by Lubambe is important as the private sector is complementing government effort by providing the critical materials need to do the maintenance works.

He said roads support a lot of economic activities and the coming of Lubambe is timely and hoping that the partnership continue as a permanent solutions to the road is been sort.

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