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The Independent Observer > Business > Luanshya miners in ‘Black Friday’ Bonanza

Luanshya miners in ‘Black Friday’ Bonanza

CNMC Luanshya Copper Mines has awarded its unionized employees a K750 salary increase across the board.

This means the lowest employee at the mine will now be getting close to K4, 000.

Mineworkers Union of Zambia President Joseph Chewe said the obligation of the union is to make its members happy with the outcome of the salary negations.

Mr Chewe said copper prices have gone up and the awarding of salary increment to Luanshya Miners was long overdue.

He said the miners were equally feeling the effect of coronavirus, hence the need to motivate them to do more.

And Luanshya Copper Mines Spokesperson Sydney Chileya said the salary increment comes at the back of a wave of attack of Covid-19 because the mining firm was one of the mines that has thus far recorded zero cases of Covid-19.

Mr Chileya said the mine had put in stringent measures to guard against COVID 19.

He said the employees had worked hard this year despite the pandemic.


The negotiations took only a record one day.

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