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The Independent Observer > News > Luanshya, Kitwe Mayors scoop PF top jobs on the Copperbelt

Luanshya, Kitwe Mayors scoop PF top jobs on the Copperbelt

Luanshya and Kitwe Mayors’ will head the Patriotic Front provincial leadership after scoping the chairman and vice chairman respectively in a tightly contested elections that took place yesterday.

Luanshya Mayor Nathan Chanda scooped the seat of Provincial Chairman with 243 votes while his contender Mike Manda polled 218 votes.

KItwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe scooped the vice Chairperson seat with 232 votes beating his closest rival Frank Ng’ambi who polled 229.

Women wing Vice IPS was scooped by Maggie Mwaya with 260 beating her contender Mwamba Bernadette who polled 201.

Women wing IPS was scooped by Agness Zulu 245 beating Loitya Lupiya with 216 votes.

Vice treasurer women wing Mukuma Mirriam polled 244 while Agness Chomba polled 220 while the treasurer position was scooped by Mwape Maureen with 262 votes and Moddy Chishimba polled 200 votes.

Vice Secretary women wing Mwamba Anastasia polled 225 while Dorothy Chipipi scored 237, Secretary women wing was scooped by Lombe Mwape Sharon with 233 beating Elizabeth Mulenga with 231.

Vice chairlady was contested by Nachilongo Dorothy with 206 and Beatrice Kapaza 257 and Chairlady position was scooped by Rose Mukupo with189 votes beating Lydia Mutale 155 and Alice Siabula 112 respectively.

Vice IPS main body was contested by Chalikosa who polled 20 while Gladen Komesa polled 197 and Moses Zulu polled 241.
IPS was contested by former Kitwe Mayor Kelvin Sinyangwe who polled 208 while his counterpart Jack Muwema polled 263.

Vice Treasurer was scooped by George Chisanga with 242 beating Mushinge while the position of Treasurer was contested by Evans Chibanda who polled 210 and Mulenga Emmanuel polled 262.

Vice Secretary contested by Bwalya David who polled 208 while Dr Jonas Chanda polled 252 scooping the seat.

Secretary Amon Chisenga polled 224 and Bernard Zulu 237.

Under youth wing Kasongo Gilbert 215 was elected as Youth Vice IPS beating Teddy Zimba who polled 49 votes and Silwimba Emmanuel 197.

Youth IPS was scooped Tresford Siame polled 236 beating Charles Banda who polled 221.

Other positions contested where youth Vice Treasurer which was scooped by Mervis Mukupa with 265 votes beating Tony Mwape with 147 votes.

The Youth Treasurer position was scooped by Mumba Soko with 248 votes while his counterpart Christopher Kachelwa polled 214.

Maureen Chileshe polled 191 Mpasa Mwaya polled 275 was declared winner.

Youth Secretary was contested by Musonda Moses who scored 237 while Paul Kalyati polled 230.

Youth Vice Chairperson was scooped by Roy Ngosa with 238 votes beating his rival Victor Miti who polled 234 votes while the position of youth Chairperson was scooped by Don Mugulube polled 262 beating Bonny Kaonga who polled 204.

And PF Secretary General Davies Mwila has urged PF members to accept new leadership in the province that will headed by the young people.

Mr Mwila said time has come to accept the will of the people and the new blood that had been elected.

He said members need to know that there are no personal to holder positions in the PF and as such there is need to pave way for new leadership.

Complete list

*New PF Copperbelt Provincial leadership

Main Body:

Chairman- Nathan Chanda (Team Nathan)
Vice Chairman- Christopher Kangombe (Team Manda) Secretary- Bernard Zulu (Team Manda)
Vice Secretary – Dr Jonas Chanda (Team Nathan)
Treasurer- Emmanuel Mulenga (Team Manda)
Vice Treasurer- George Nsali (Team Nathan)
IPS- Jack Mwema (Team Nathan)
Vice IPS- Moses Zulu (Team Manda)

Women’s League:

Chairlady- Rose Mukupo (Team Manda)
Vice Chairlady- Beatrice Kapansa (Team Nathan)
Secretary- Sharon Lombe (Team Manda)
Vice Secretary- Dorothy Chipimpi (Team Nathan)
Treasurer- Maureen Mwape (Team Nathan)
Vice Treasurer- Mirriam Mukuma (Team Manda)
IPS Agnes Zulu (Team Manda)
Vice IPS- Maggie Muwaya (Team Manda).

Youth Wing:

Youth Chairman- Don Mungulube (Team Nathan)
Vice Chairman- Roy Mwansa (Team Manda)
Secretary- Moses Musonda (Team Manda)
Vice Secretary- Mpasa Mwaya (Team Nathan)
Treasurer- Mumba Soko (Team Manda)
Vice Treasurer- Mavis Mukupa (Team Manda)
IPS- Tresford Siame (Team Manda)
Vice IPS- Gilbert Kasongo (Team Nathan).

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