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The Independent Observer > News > Luanshya: Dog mauls 4-year-old-boy

Luanshya: Dog mauls 4-year-old-boy

By Karen Mushenywa in Luanshya
A-4- year-old boy of Luanshya is nursing severe dog bite wounds after he was maulled by a neighbours Germany Shepard.

The boy who is admitted to Thomson District hospital sustained deep bits in the neck, head and left arm.

Both Luanshya District Commissioner Patrick Maipambe and Thomson Hospital Director Mwamba Tshibangu confirmed the incident.

Dr Shibangu said the boy was taken in yesterday around 16:00 hours and he was in deep shock.

He said the boy had sustained deep dog bits in the neck and also on the head and arms.

“But I can safely say he is slowly recovering and he is slowly recovering,” he said.

And Mr Maipambe said the dogs will be eliminated following a 10 day observation period to rule out rabies.

He has since called on dog owners in the district to secure their dogs.

“It is sad that the district, not too long ago witnessed another dog bite and we now  have this incident with the four year old,” he said.

Mr Maipambe has warned of destruction of any dogs that are not properly secured.

And dog owner Constance Muyamba of house no.46, Eucalyptus Avenue in Mine area said the incident happened when the minor went into her yard to play with his friend who resides at the servant’s quarters.

“I was not home although the person who was present said the incident happened when the boy came into the yard and was going to play with his friend when he stoned the dog and that’s when the dog snapped the leash from the dog collar which was weak,” she said.

She regretted the incident and expressed shock, saying the dog in questioned was actually bought from the victim’s father and the boy was familiar to the dog.

Ms Muyamba said the dog was well secured, vaccinated and registered with the local authorities.

And Father to the boy, Finwell Munsaka said the incident happened when the boy went to play with the friend at the neighbour’s house.

But an eye witness Taonga Mukandawire disclosed that the dog was not secured and attacked the boy from the road.

She narrated that the boy later rushed into the neighbour’s yard to seek refuge.

And Luanshya District livestock Coordinator Thomas Banda said the dogs were examined by the veterinary department and did not exhibit any signs of rabies and have since been put on a ten day waiting period to rule out rabies.

Dr Banda said the veterinary department has since advised that the boy be commenced on human anti – Rabies vaccine since the boy was beaten on the head.

Luanshya district has recorded in increase in the number of fog bites in the recent past.

On June 29, 2020 another 81 year old woman was bitten by her neighbours Boerboel dogs while in her premises.

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