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Local Govt Association partner, ZACCI partner to fight covid-19

The Local Government Association of Zambia has reiterated its commitment to enhance the local response in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic and improve service delivery across the country.

Speaking at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI), Local Government Association of Zambia, Executive Director, Maurice Mbolela, has disclosed that the local authorities have been financially stretched due to the Covid-19 pandemic resulting into short falls into services delivery.

He said that working closely with local stakeholders such as ZACCI, they shall ensure resilience leading to sustainable development.

Mr Mbolela has further called for active participation from all stakeholders if the fight against the pandemic is to be won.

And ZACCI Vice President Professor Pinalo Chifwanakeni has noted that the two parties seek to increase the number of local authorities engaging with the Private sector by 50 percent by 2022.

He said that the partnership will bring an end to fragmented, uncoordinated and unsustainable relationships between local authorities and the private sector.

Prof Chifwanakeni also echoes that the private sector shall help enhance the quality of public service being delivered by the local authorities by helping provide sufficient capacity to manage commercial activities in a profitable and sustainable manner.

The partnership covers all the 115 local authorities and 9, 000 companies that are members of ZACCI across in the country.