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Live as one big family, Zambians urged

By Abigail Chaponda in London, United Kingdom

Zambia Catholic Chaplaincy UK Parish Priest Fr. Henry Mobela, has urged Zambians both home and away to live as one big family.

And Bread of Life Church International United Kingdom will join Zambia in observing the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and reconciliation, set for today.

The day of prayer will be held under the theme “Receiving Times of Refreshing from the presence of the Lord through Reconciliation with one another and the environment for a prosperous Zambia.”

Commenting on this year’s National Day of Prayer, Fr. Mobela who is the current Zambian Parish Chaplain said Zambians, as a people need to love and forgive each other as they are members of one family which is Zambia.

And Fr. Mobela further called on Zambians in the Diaspora to participate in making it possible for reconciliation to become a reality in the nation by being their country’s ambassadors who should be in the forefront to promote and project a good image of the country.

“Violence and economic challenges are a result of human conflicts or misuse of one’s rights which may affect others in the community. How do we deal with these challenges then? As believers we go the Scriptures, the word of God where Jesus challenges us to reconcile with one another and with creation”.

“For reconciliation to take place there is need for humility. Therefore, as the Nation prays for peace and reconciliation, we are all encouraged to pray for peace and prosperity in our country. Every Zambian should feel that there is something that they can contribute to our country that can bring about true reconciliation between people and creation or environment for us to enjoy the fruit of our prosperous nation. We need to seat together with open minds and hearts sharing and listening to one another and coming up with solutions that emphasise the common good,” he said.

And Bread of Life Church International United Kingdom Pastor in charge Austin Makota said there was strength in unity and called on Zambians to embrace love, peace and harmony.

“As we pray for Zambia and our leaders. We pray that God grants them wisdom. God will Refresh, Renew and Restore our nation. The atmosphere of the Nation will change as more and more people will unite for one cause. There is coming a great move that will shake our Nation and return things to the original owner- God. All things will be restored,” prayed Pastor Makota.

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