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The Independent Observer > Business > Lift the suspension on Covid-rules-ZACCI

Lift the suspension on Covid-rules-ZACCI

By Staff Writer
Zambia Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) President Chabuka Kawesha has advised Government to lift the suspension on the mandatory Covid-19 rules in key areas and locations as the number of positive Covid cases have increased.

Mr Kawesha said the rising Covid cases seen this week must be an alert enough.

He said the business community and environment were hit hard and hurt the various income stream of many Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Corporates to which they are still recovering.

Mr Kawesha said if Government doesn’t put in place key notable measures now, social media will drive public protective measures.

On December 27, 28, 2022 the Ministry of Health through its daily status update reported 198 and 277 active cases respectively. This includes 1 death.

Meanwhile, ZACCI has called upon Government, working through the Disaster Management Unit (DMMU), Zambia National Service (ZNS) and local councils countrywide to immediately commerce Mosquito Truck Spraying.

He said they should introduce the 6000, 12000 to 24000 litres mosquito truck sprayers urgently.

Mr Kawesha said the Trucks fitted with special spray equipment can be used to treat areas with larvicides or adulticides to kill mosquito larvae or adult mosquitoes.

He said the End Malaria Council (EMC) in Zambia is applauded for its works and inclusion of the Private Sector, but alone, it cannot manage without the notable muscle and strength of various government arms.

“Zambia must learn from notable methods being used in other countries than just focusing on ordering Malaria drugs alone,” he said.