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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Level the political playing field in the country-CK

Level the political playing field in the country-CK

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) President Chishimba Kambwili has criticized the police for selectively giving the permit to hold rallies only to the ruling Patriotic Front leaving the opposition without mobilizing their supporters.

Dr Kambwili told journalists at a media briefing ,that on many occasions the NDC has applied for permits and the police have denied giving them permit using COVID-19 as the reason for denying them.

He wondered whether COVID-19 only applies only to people outside PF and where the PF is there is no COVID-19.

The NDC leader regretted that the police have been giving the PF officials permits to mobilize rallies but the opposition are denied the opportunity.

He Advised the police to treat parties fairly because if the trouble begin, it will be difficult to content it.

Dr Kambwili observed that there are only 17 thousand police men in the country and the opposition are more than that which can make it impossible for them to handle.

He accused the ECZ of having called the parties to announce the plan already made by the ruling PF.

Instead of resolving the issues the parties have complained, the ECZ treated stakeholders like children.

Dr Kambwili said the decision by the police to deny the opposition is unreasonable because they have no power to do so.

He said the police does not have that power to allow or deny the parties saying what the police is doing is illegal.

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