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The Independent Observer > OS > Letter youths: ‘we are the product of the choices we make’

Letter youths: ‘we are the product of the choices we make’

By Innocent Soko
My fellow beloved youths, believing in yourself are the most prestigious and the greatest favor of all things you can ever do to yourself.

When you believe in yourself, you open up the endless possibilities to your life. At times you may find this thing to be difficult to do.

But the truth of the matter is that we’ve been conditioned throughout our lives to doubt ourselves.

And therefore, we must retrain ourselves to get rid of our fears and self-doubtless in order to build self-esteem and self-confidence. So, believe in yourself.

Everything we have in our lives is a result of our belief, and the belief that it’s possible to do anything in this world we are living, and in indeed we can overcome any challenge only when we believe that anything is possible regardless of what anyone says about you or where you are in life. My brothers and sisters always believe it is possible and you can do it.

Therefore I encourage you my fellow youths to visualize it and think exactly what your life would look like if you had already achieved your dream, then act in a way that is consistent with where you want to go and act towards your goals.

When you believe that whatever you want is possible you will know the purpose and you can fulfill that empty feeling you may have be experiencing.

Visualize about your future and see what you want, and what you want to achieve then ask where you want to see yourself in the next five to ten years.

And establish an effective mindset to act as if you are already the kind of that person who has created the ideal life you want to live. And never to be bothered nor mind what they thought or said about you.

Lastly my dear colleagues: All we need to do is to make a choice because we are the product of the choices we make!

So believe in yourself and there will come a time when others will have no choice but to with you.

The writer is a Social Change Activist.

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