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The Independent Observer > News > Letter to youths: Let’s treasure what we have

Letter to youths: Let’s treasure what we have

Dear youths!

Somewhere within us, there is the power to change our societies and the nation at large.

As youths, we have the right to change anything in this world. If we can’t change our ways of being, we lose the right to complain as youths because the incredible change happens in our lives when we decide to take control of what we do have power over instead of craving control over what we don’t have.

I tell you my brothers and sisters; “let’s treasure what we have and ignore what we don’t have”. Because the decision making is not only our right, but it is our power for change. And let us all remember as youths that we’re the product of our choices we make!

I long and visualize seeing the youths in our societies that one day, we the youths we will realise the capabilities that lies within us.

And that one day we the youths we will be proactive and productive to point where every youth of the society will not be used as a political tool of violence but a profitable tool of excellence, and the youths that they will be admired in every society of this country, the youths that they see comfort, peace and dwelled in the haven of integrity.

My fellow youths our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them because we’re conquerors, visionaries and goal oriented intellects with an integral aspiration to inspire one another.

I long to see the youths of our societies succeeding and exceedingly excel. Because my greatest dream is not just to excel alone but to excel with others in numbers and going forward in togetherness and oneness with one goal, with one voice, and with one purpose.

Refraining from our status quo and embracing change is not only our right as youths, but it is our power for change”. We’re not the future leaders of tomorrow but we’re the leaders of today.

Therefore I visualize seeing our leaders of this country providing equal opportunities to every youth of very society, the leaders that will develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills, respecting and recognizing the unique qualities of learning styles in order to enhance a successful nation.

I long to see our mother Zambia to be bacon of peace, excellence and integrity and not of hatred, enmity and jealousy but a nation of full of transparency and accountability.

With this core message and as we celebrate independence I believe that  together we can create an impact as youths of our different societies and of course take our great nation to the next level and make the world a better place.

Innocent Soko
Social Change Activist!

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