By Staff Writer
Minister of Green Economy and Environment Collins Nzovu has called on the international community to partner with Zambia in the fight against various forms of disasters.
Speaking during the commemoration of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, Mr Nzovu said Zambia like many other countries in the world is faced with various disasters that need various technologies and expertise to address.
Mr Nzovu said the challenges presented by climate change such as floods and droughts have continued to affect people’s lives in all the sectors of the economy.
He said during the 2018/2019 rain season the country experienced severe droughts which increased food insecurity among two million, four hundred thousand people.
Mr Nzovu said that it is therefore through local and international cooperation that the country has continued to manage averting hunger and health challenges associated to the negative effects of climate change.
And United Nations Resident Coordinator Dr Coumba Mar Gadio said the UN family will continue its support to the Zambian government to avert disasters.
Dr Mar Gadio said, it is important to note that Zambia has in the past years made serious efforts in managing disasters and helping disaster victims.
Earlier, Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit-DMMU acting National Coordinator Mr Joshua Kamanya thanked the cooperating partners for the continued support to the office of the vice president.

Mr Kamanya said his office working with various stakeholders have continued to render support to various disaster victims in many parts of the country.
He said there is need for more engagements in prevention activities in order to prevent the adverse effects of disasters.