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Let’s field one presidential candidate in 2021-Kambwili

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) President Chishimba Kambwili has called on all genuine opposition parties in Zambia to unite and field only one candidate in next year’s presidential elections.

Featuring on Radio Phoenix, Dr Kambwili said that leaders of opposition parties should do away with their egos and do that which the people of Zambia are demanding, which is unity of purpose, similar to what was done in Malawi.

He said that opposition leaders should be ready to set aside personal ambitions for the good of the country and the desires of the people of Zambia should come above self-interest.

He has since disclosed that the Opposition Alliance partners including NDC, UPND, RPP and ADD are already in discussions with a view to develop a framework for a united opposition in support of only one Presidential candidate.

Dr Kambwili stated that he is fully committed to this proposition for the purpose of liberating the people of Zambia from the corrupt PF government.

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