Dear Editor
I write to submit that going forward, let us, as a nation put in place a frame work regarding funerals of a former or serving Republican President in our Republican Constitution.
I write to submit that going forward, let us, as a nation put in place a frame work regarding funerals of a former or serving Republican President in our Republican Constitution.
My submission comes in the wake of the comparisons going round where we as a people feel this President is more important than that other one and therefore needs to be treated like this, which I feel if not handled carefully, can create a big problem.
It is therefore important that we know that when a serving President dies, his/her funeral will be regulated in this or that manner by a government system compared to the one who does out of office, or indeed regulated the same for all.
Presidents are and will always be valued as national assets, whether in office or indeed after office tenure and due respect should therefore be accorded accordingly.
This however should not be done against the wish of family members but engaging them to know that the death of a President is a national business always and not a family business per see.
I surely see no reason of comparing as to why one funeral was conducted in this way and not the other way. Let us respect the departed and desist from finding faults.
My submission is because the cost of such state funerals are high and therefore it is important that there should be a specific frame work surrounding them.
I also feel this can also heal the political attachment that other politicians would want to use to hijack the process where they want to cry foul that they are not recognized because they were not invited. The frame work should handle such unfortunate accusations that are uncalled for.
Wisdom Muyunda