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Leadership movement targets 80% youths in Leadership

Leadership Movement (LM) Party President Richard Silumbe says that is party believes in the energy of the youths to develop this Nation.

Dr Silumbe said the youths are full of energy which can be used for production rather than engaging in bad vices.

He said the country will never be developed as long as the precious resource which is the youths are languishing in the streets and old people occupying offices.

Dr Silumbe said the current political scenario are mere talks and not actions but that is not the case for his party which will take action especially on job creation and improving the economy.

He said the movement is looking at the 80 percent of youths whose means of survival is at the bus stations or illegal mining which is dangerous and hindering development.

“We want to make use of the energy of the youths into production in various industries of the economy we want to nurture our own investors from our young people. If we can put up 4 million youth in employment so that they can be productive and contribute toward National development,” he said.

Dr Silumbe said the party is trying to remove the mind set of cadreism in the youths by instilling discipline and productivity in them.

He said the current crop of politician are always looking to the west for development hence their think development without begging from the west is not possible.

LM Secretary General Brown Sinyangwe said that the Nation should rise up and woke up from the state of slumber and deliver to future generation.

Mr Sinyangwe said the people cannot realise they potential if they are in the state of slumber.

He said Zambia has a potential to develop in all it sectors of the economy with leadership that is responsible and committed to its people.

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