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Leaders translate into development

The Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) says the quality of leaders that country will usher into government after 12 August will reflect the level of development the nation will have.

CLRI said the quality of leaders who will be elected to govern the country at different level will directly translates to the level of development that the citizens want to see in the next 5 years.

CLRI Executive Director, Paul Mundia Hakoola has since called on the electorate to take time to scrutinize the kind of leadership that they will entrust with authority at varying levels of governance.

“The calibre of Members of Parliament who will be elected are potential Ministers who will be tasked with not only legislation but policy formulation, the electorates have a reasonability to ensure that they set a high bar of leadership they elect so as to avoid compromising the developmental agenda of a country,” he said.

Mr Hakoola was reacting to the successful filling in of nominations by a number candidates ahead of the August 12 polls