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LCC gives land developers grace period to obtain occupation certificates

Lusaka City Council (LCC) has given developers who have occupied un-certified buildings three months grace period in which to regularize the illegality.

The grace period follows a discovery that many developers have occupied new buildings without obtaining occupation certificates from the Local Authority.

LCC Public Relations Manager George Sichimba said that it was a requirement by law that before occupying a new building, the occupation certificate must be obtained to certify that the building is fit for occupation.

Mr Sichimba said the Public Health Act Cap 295 of the Laws of Zambia, Section 14(1) states that “The applicant or his authorized agent shall give notice in writing to Local Authority when the building is completed.

He said no person shall occupy or suffer to be occupied any new building until such building has been certified by the Local Authority, and where available, by a Medical Officer of Health to be, in their opinion, in every respect fit for occupation, or, in the case of the domestic building or dwelling- house, fit for human habitation.”

Mr Sichimba said Section (2) of the same Act states that “The Local Authority shall cause an inspection of the building to be made within forty eight hours from the date of completion.

“This law applies to all categories of buildings, that is, dwelling-houses, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings. Partial occupation also requires certification under Section 15 of the Public Health Act,” he said.

He said LCC has discovered that many developers have not been following the requirements of the law as many of them have occupied un-certified buildings.

Mr Sichimba said the Local Authority has therefore, accorded an opportunity to such people to regularize the illegality by applying and paying approved fees.

“The approved fees are K1, 771.56 for industrial buildings, K1, 328.67 for commercial buildings, K885.78 for institutional buildings and K531.47 for high cost residential buildings. Others are K664.62 for medium cost residential buildings and K544.20 for low cost residential buildings. At the expiry of the three months grace period, the Local Authority would slap penalties on all those who will be found wanting.” he said.

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