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LAZ calls for calm ahead of elections

The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) says they have noted the conflicting stories in local media houses in relation to what must happen in an event death of resignation of a candidate in the forthcoming general elections.

LAZ honorary secretary Sokwani Chilembo says the Electoral Commission of Zambia is required to call for fresh filing of nominations for eligible if a candidate dies resigns or is disqualified.

“This is in accordance to article 56 (6) of the constitution of Zambia as amended by Act number 2 of 2016 which says that if a candidate dies, resigns or is disqualified on grounds of malpractice after the close of nominations and before the fixed date for the elections, the Electoral Commission Of Zambia is obligated to cancel the elections,” he said.

Mr Chilembo said that the ECZ is further required to call for filing fresh nominations by eligible candidates

“Article 52 (6) also mandates the ECZ to ensure that the holding of elections is done within thirty days of filing fresh nominations, therefore the association has encouraged the ECZ who have confirmed that to be the understanding of the law,” he said.

Mr Chilembo has since called for calm as the country draws near the general elections, he also reminded Zambians not to relent in doing their part in ensuring that the elections are conducted in a peaceful environment.