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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Lack of Education undermine girls potential

Lack of Education undermine girls potential

Zambia Open Community Schools (ZOCS) says that, Lack of access to quality education can undermine girl’s potential to have a successful future.

ZOCS Executive Director Cleopatra Muma said that education is important in one’s life so the organization has different interventions in place focusing on keeping girls in school.

She said her organization has joined in celebrating the International Day of the Girl Child as their are also working  on programs to increase girls access to learning.

Ms Muma said this is to secure their future employment opportunities.

She said it is important for stakeholders in the education sector to ensure that girls have access to quality educational opportunities that help them learn the skills they need to survive and thrive.

“We support girls by creating awareness around their rights so that they make healthy choices, protect them from abuse, and teach them to be leaders. The theme for this year’s International Day of the Girl Child Digital Generation. Our generation’ indicates that in this digital era where technology is helping people improve their lives, unfortunately, gender gaps still existed,” she said.

Ms Muma also applauded Government for the formation of the Ministry of Technology and Science.

This day is celebrated annually on October 11, to empower and amplify voices of young girls around the world. .