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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Konkola Trust Secondary school holds colourful G12 graduation

Konkola Trust Secondary school holds colourful G12 graduation

By Victoria Zimba
Konkola Trust Secondary School (KSTS) on Thursday last week held its 11th graduation ceremony for 55 Grade 12 pupils, who will sit for their final exams this November.

Mukuba University Vice Chancellor who is also CEO for the Examination Council of Zambia, Prof Frank Tailoka was this year’s Guest of Honour at the colourful ceremony.

Prof Tailoka congratulated and counselled the pupils to study and work extra hard as their future had just began and that they needed to lay a proper and strong foundation for their long life ahead.

He further advised parents not to spoil their children by providing amenities that obstruct and prevent them from concentrating on their academics.

KCM Trust Schools Principal Mabvuto Ng’ona expressed confidence that the education the pupils had received at the school had prepared them well for the future.

Mr Ng’ona also reaffirmed KCM’s commitment and vision to continue providing holistic education in all its schools by ensuring that all the teachers are well trained.

Hardworking pupils received different awards in different categories ranging from academics to non-academics.

Notable among them was 14 year old Wazingwa Mugala who received the Best Overall Grade 9 Student Award after scoring 531 marks.

He was the best in 7 out of 8 subjects. Wazingwa also received an award for exemplary behaviour.

He is currently being sponsored under the KCM Scholarship Scheme after scoring 830 marks, the highest in Chililabombwe District during the 2017 Grade 7 Examinations.

We wish all the graduating students the very best during their exams!

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