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The Independent Observer > OS > Knowledge sharing key for growth of clubs

Knowledge sharing key for growth of clubs

Solwezi Municipal Council has embarked on club exchange program aimed at knowledge sharing.

The council through the Department of Housing and Social Services has facilitated an exchange visit among community clubs in order to foster oneness and enhance competitiveness to improve standards of living for the club members.

Yesterday, Kuken’ga Kwa Nzambi visited St. Augustine Lusekelo Community Club in Kimasala Ward which has so far established a farm, piggery, hammer mill, tailoring shop and a fish pond, beneficial to members of the club.

The essence of the visit was to exchange ideas, knowledge and sound practices between the two clubs.

The Council staff, the Chief Community Development Officer Chief Community Development Officer Evelyn Phiri and the Senior Community Development Officer Vainess Chalungumana addressed the two club members.

The duo advised the clubs to frequently visit each other as this will enhance oneness and help them to grow, ultimately achieve their objectives.

They said unity of purpose and commitment to set objectives was said to be cardinal for community clubs to thrive as they aspire to improve their livelihood.

Emphasis was also placed on enhanced efforts and team work among club members as this will attract sponsors and donors who may be interested in empowering them.

All community clubs in the district were encouraged to produce quality products and services as means to advance the influence of women in the business community.

Meanwhile, Lusekelo Club Secretary Nelly Lwando attributed the club’s achievements to team work, commitment and determination which attracted sponsors.

The two clubs expressed gratitude to the Local Authority for facilitating the visit as it has enlightened the club members on practices that will help them to grow.

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