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KK’s body to be taken to all 10 Provinces

Vice President Inonge Wina has encouraged Zambians to continue adhering to all the Covid-19 guidelines and measures.

Speaking when she addressed the nation concerning the funeral proceedings of Dr Kaunda, Mrs Wina said government will put in place further measures that will enable Zambians pay their last respects to Dr Kenneth Kaunda in a befitting manner.

“It is the wish of the family of Dr Kaunda that his remains are taken to all 10 provinces of the country and government has agreed and respected the family’s wish, the body will be taken to all the provincial headquarters,” she said.

Mrs Wina said that the body of Dr Kaunda will be taken to Choma, Southern province first on Wednesday June, 23, and will end in Lusaka on July, 5, 2021.

“To accord our founding father a befitting funeral, in compliance with our national Covid-19 protocols, there shall be no physical body viewing, however, church processions will be broadcasted live on various media platforms,” she said.

Mrs Wina said in each provincial capital, there will be a mini church services supervised by the military to ensure adherence to the Covid-19 guidelines.

Mrs Wina said that the church services will be short in nature and will be conducted by the military with help from the United Church of Zambia congregations.

‘’In order to control anticipated crowds the military will be on hand to control and ensure social distances, however as the proceedings will be live on various mediums, Zambians are encouraged to watch from home to have a clear view of the remains of  Dr Kenneth Kaunda,” she said

Mrs Wina disclosed that the government has designated Friday, July, 2 as the date for the state to accord Dr Kaunda a state funeral, were various members of the international dignitaries will attend.

She said the state funeral will be held in Lusaka at the Heroes stadium, stating that strict Covid-19 measures will be followed and the military will ensure adherence.

“His excellence, Dr Kenneth Kaunda shall be put to rest at the presidential burial site, on Wednesday July 7, 2021 at a very private burial service with selected invited personnel in attendance,” she said.

Mrs Wina says President Edgar Lungu has directed that no party regalia of any form will be allowed at the funeral proceedings, as the event will be about honoring the legacy of Dr Kenneth Kaunda.