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The Independent Observer > News > Kitwe man kills mother in cold blood

Kitwe man kills mother in cold blood


A 22-year old man of Twikatane in Kitwe has stabbed his mother to death.

Copperbelt Commanding Officer Sharon Zulu said Marvelous Tiyango stabbed Elizabeth Tiyango 48, peasant farmer with a knife for unknown reasons. 

“Brief facts are that the mother was cooking dry fish under the tree at the farm when her son suddenly appeared and started sharpening the knife, from there he started chasing her while stoning her in the process she fell down, the son then started stabbing her with the knife all over her body, he later dragged her from the field to the unfinished kiosk,” she said

Ms Zulu said that the victim sustained a cut on the back, right arm, forehead and bleeding from the nose

“All this happened in the presence of her daughter Betshaber Tiyango aged 12 a school girl. Police visited the crime scene and deposited the body of the victim in Chambishi Government Clinic mortuary awaiting postmortem and burial.

Ms Zulu said the suspect has been arrested and will appear in the courts of law soon.