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Kitwe continue leading with high cases of unsafe abortion

Zambia Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians ZAGO says Kitwe district on the Copperbelt Province continues to lead with highest recorded cases of unsafe abortions especially among young women.

And ZAGO said the unsafe abortions have been the major contributors of maternal deaths among the women in Kitwe this according to the 2018 Zambia Demographic Health Survey.

Speaking during a media workshop to sensitize media personnel on comprehensive abortion care and Law on abortion in Zambia, in Kitwe today, Mr Benedictus Mangala who is Monitoring and evaluation specialist ZAGO said about 14 percent maternal deaths have been recorded due to unsafe abortions.

Mr Mangala said there is an urgent need to sentitise citizens on safe abortions for women to access and utilize safe abortions.

He also said that the association has engaged tradition healers on the Copperbelt on the benefits of having safe abortions and to refer patients to hospitals.

And ZAGO member Dr Christopher Nga”ndwe Said there is no need to pretend that the problem of unsafe abortions does not exist in the country as it killing women due to lack of information of where they can access quality comprehensive abortion care.

He said sensitization of the media personnel on comprehensive abortion care and Law on abortion in Zambia will help citizens to learn the repercussions of undergoing an unsafe procedure that leads to loss of life.

The Zambia Demographic Health Survey is released every 5 years.