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Kenyan launches LGBTQ crackdown in schools

Kenya’s education ministry has launched a crackdown on what it described as the infiltration of LGBTQ agenda in schools.

It will see government establish chaplaincies in schools, minister Ezekiel Machogu told senators on Thursday.

There are fears the programme could see misinformation about LGBTQ people and same-sex relationships taught in schools.

Gay sex remains illegal but anti-gay attitudes have been hardening after last month’s ruling by the Supreme Court upholding the gay community’s right to register an association.

A committee has already been formed to deal with LGBTQ issues in schools, the minister said, and suggested its role could include reviewing school literature.

It will be headed by an archbishop from the Anglican Church in Kenya.

“These are issues that we can not be able to allow to infiltrate into our schools,” Mr Machogu said.

The minister was responding to a senator who was concerned over the alleged spread of the LGBTQ agenda in primary schools.