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The Independent Observer > Business > KCM’s production at Nampundwe shoots to 5, 000 tonnes

KCM’s production at Nampundwe shoots to 5, 000 tonnes

Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) says there is increased production at it’s mine in Nampundwe.

The mine said that it has increased production to over 5,000 tonnes during the second quarter of the year.

Nampundwe a pyrite mine in Shibuyunji has increased production since the beginning of the 2020/2021 Financial Year in April, breaking a decade long production record during the second quarter of the year.

KCM General Manager for Corporate Affairs Shapi Shachinda said prior to April 2020, the mine was producing around 2,000 tonnes of pyrite per month with the change coming in April and May when it produced over 4,000 tonnes before hitting the 5,000 tonnes mark in June.

Mr Shachinda said that the Nampundwe mine has not produced more than 5,000 tonnes of pyrite in the past 10 years.

He said the previous highest monthly production was 4,100 tonnes per month in 2011.

“At the start of the financial year in April, the business plan was to ramp up production to 4,000 tonnes per month, but the increase in the demand for the commodity at the Nchanga Smelter, and other customers, necessitated a revision of the plan to ramp-up production to 5,500 tonnes per month by October and, 54,247 tonnes for the year,” he said.

He said in July, the mine produced the record breaker of 5,216 tonnes against a target of 3,997 tonne for the month.

Mr Shachinda said the increase in production has been achieved through Management’s sustained focus and support to production teams and the support of the hard-working employees

He said that this performance is the result of the combined teamwork of all Nampundwe employees and contractors, and associated Suppliers.

Mr Shachinda also said that the mine is in a better position now since last year, with a sustainable future.

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