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The Independent Observer > Business > KCM shuts down pension scheme for employees  

KCM shuts down pension scheme for employees  

Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) has closed its pension scheme for employees with immediate effect following the splitting of the company.

According to an internal memo dated April 29, 2021, KCM has since started the registration of a new pension scheme.

Reference is made to the management brief dated December 28, 2020 by KCM management brief on restructuring of the operations f KCM and to your letter of redundancy which was effective 31 January 2021 for KCM.

“As you may be aware, before 31 January 2021, your pension benefits arrangements we’re managed under the KCM plc Pension Trust Scheme. However, following the restructuring of the sponsoring company, KCM plc has equally been restructured after due consultation between management and unions leadership. This has resulted in the KCM Pension Scheme becoming a closed Scheme with no more new pension contributions going into it. Two new Pension Trust Schemes have been initiated out of it, and are in the process of registration. One of which is the Konkola Mineral Resources Limited, your new employer,” read the memo in part signed by Board of Trustees KCM plc Pension Trust Schemes Beatrice Mutambo.

“Based on the forgoing, we wish to advise you, as employees of Konkola Mineral Resources Limited, that a new Pension Scheme is in the process of being set up, which will be called Konkola Mineral Resources Limited Pension Trust Scheme. Please note that the pension scheme is being set up for you on account that it is a condition of employment and service.”

See the document in full.

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