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KCM Liquidation convicted

The Chingola Magistrate Court has convicted Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) in Liquidation with 32 counts relating to non-payments of Napsa statutory contributions.

This is related to non-remittance of pension contribution and penalties amounting to over 4 hundred and 27 million kwacha.

In his ruling, Chingola Magistrate Steven Mabona ordered KCM to start making payments of 40 million kwacha per month effective November 2021 and counseled the mining giant to pay its dues on time.

This is in a case in which Napsa dragged KCM to court over nonpayment of Napsa statutory contributions.

Following the admission to the crime, the court also fined KCM 200 kwacha each for the 32 counts.

KCM was charged with 32 counts involving 75 million kwacha pension contributions and 3 hundred and 51 million kwacha being 20 percent cumulative penalties for the periods May 2018 to April 2020 and January 2021 to August 2021.

KCM was represented in court by Business Controller Martin Maliwatu.