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KCM Contractors protest, demands for better conditions of service

Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) Contractors in Chingola today protested demanding for better conditions of service and job security.

KCM Management could not address them because what started as a peaceful demonstration ended into a fracas where police had to discharge teargases and canisters to disburse the unruly crowd.

Among the things that they were demanding for was job security that is being given direct permanent employment by KCM.

Chairperson for the Voice of Contractors Simon Kafula said that they are tired of contractual job where they get peanuts as pay.

Mr Kafula said that the companies that have contracted them are not giving them better condition of service and most of them don’t honour statutory obligation like National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA).

He said that people are getting salaries that are not able to sustain their family needs with the bad economy.

Mr Kafula also said that the contractors were in forefront demanding for Vedanta to go but have not benefited anything from the liquidation.

He said that Government should have given a package to contractors after they helped miners in giving Vedanta an exit door.

Mr Kafula said that they have tried to seek for help but no one is helping them.

And KCM Director SmelterCo Enock Mponda told the contractors that management has discussed that their grievances through their various companies.

But the contractors refused as they wanted to be addressed directly not through their company Directors.