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KCM, Chingola Council commit over cracked houses

Konkola Copper Mines KCM) and Chingola Municipal have committed on the possible relocation of the community in Njanji area living in cracked houses in Nchanga North.

This follows a meeting convened by Nchanga Member of Parliament Chali Chilombo where all three parties were called to find the lasting solution for the community living in cracked houses.

KCM which was represented by its Corporate General Manager Eugene Chungu and Manager Community Relations Brian Siatubi said the mining firm is concerned with the safety of the affected community.

The duo said KCM on humanitarian ground is willing to commit if other stakeholders like Chingola Municipal Council would come on board and offer land for possible relocation.

Chingola Town Clerk Mutakela Kabombo said the decision on land couldn’t be made by Chingola Mayor Titus Tembo, Buntungwa Ward Council Soko Mumba and himself.

Mr Kabombo said the council can call for an emergency meeting where all 27 Councilors could decide on the way forward once all details have been tabled.

He said the issue of cracked houses in Buntugungwa Ward is an emanating disaster and the whole world would laugh at leaders and the mine if such was to occur.

The Town Clerk then demanded apology from KCM for ejecting Councillor Mr Mumba from the meeting.

“I’m not supporting our Councillor coming for a meeting uninvited but two wrongs cannot make a right. There was a better way of telling him to excuse you from the meeting where Vedanta Mineral Resources Chairman Anil Agarwal was meeting KCM employees.
“Respect our elected leaders so that we live as a team,” he said.

KCM apologized and promised to do better if such incidence was to happen.

The full details of the meeting have remained confidential, until the next meeting scheduled for next week.

But Mr Mumba agreed that he was willing to let go of the 86 families who translate into voters if land would be found elsewhere apart from his ward.

The Mayor and the Town Clerk represented Chingola Council, Chingola District Commissioner Mary Chibesa represented central Government, Mr Chilombo and Mr Mumba represented the community in Buntungwa and KCM was represented by Mr Chungu and Mr Situbi.

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