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KCC and CCPC seizes assorted good worth over K10,000

Kitwe City Council (KCC)and the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
(CCPC) has Seized assorted goods worth over K10,000 in a joint operation conducted in 17 trading places in the central business district of Kitwe.

The joint operation was conducted during a routine inspection of trading premises in the Copperbelt with a view of ascertaining the traders’ compliance levels with Competition and Consumer Act .24 of 2010.

In a statement made available to the Independent Observer by CCPC Senior Public Relations Officer Namukolo Kasumpa, who said that the seized goods did not meet the standards set by the commission and the Food and drugs Act.

“Kitwe City Council in collaboration with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission have seized assorted goods worth K10, 311 in a joint inspection conducted in 17 trading premises at the Kitwe Central Business District, the seized items which include Coca Cola and Super Shake did not meet the mandatory product information standards set by Section 50 of the Competition and Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) No. 24 of 2010 as well as the Food and Drugs Act Cap 303 of the Laws of Zambia,” she said.

Ms Kasumpa disclosed that the goods seized had defects such as insufficient labels, expired products while others did not have expiry dates indicated on them.

She said that other seized items had inappropriate packaging and broken seals which was fit consumption.

“We have cautioned suppliers, retailers and distributors to desist from engaging in the sale of products which have exceeded their shelf life as such are not fit for human consumption, the CCPC and KCC will continue working together to ensure that consumers are protected in Zambia through enforcement of their respective mandates,” she said.