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The Independent Observer > News > Kawambwa: man in self-cremation

Kawambwa: man in self-cremation

A-50-year-old man of Kawambwa in Luapula has taken his own life by setting himself ablaze.

Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo said Able Lengwe of Mbilima village in Chief Mushota area committed suicide by setting himself on fire.

Ms Katongo said Lengwe yesterday, September 26, 2019 around 08: 00 hours exchanged his cell phone valued at K150 and fishing nets valued at K100, for beer, the act which incensed his wife.

“After the wife left to the Cassava field in anger, Lengwe wrote a suicide note which he gave to his son to deliver to his relatives.  Whilst alone home, he picked bundles of grass which were outside the grass-thatched kitchen, took them inside and set himself ablaze and was burnt beyond recognition.

“The scene was visited and suicide was confirmed as reported. Police suspect no foul play and relatives were advised to bury the remains,” she said.

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