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Kaumbwe votes for MP on Thursday

By Hannock Kasama
All is set for tomorrow’s KAUMBWE Parliamentary election in PETAUKE District.

PETAUKE Town Council Secretary VENTURE KAFULA has confirmed in an interview with ZNBC News in PETAUKE today.

Bishop KAFULA says all the requisites for the parliamentary election have been dispatched to various polling stations with personnel also having been accredited to various Polling Stations.

And KAUMBWE Constituency’s CHAZANDA Polling Station Polling Assistant MARTIN MBUZI said he is looking forward to presiding over an incident free parliamentary election.

Meanwhile MATONJE Polling Station Presiding Officer MARGARET NACHILONGO said she is poised to execute her duties efficiently and impartially.

The KAUMBWE seat was earlier earmarked for contest during the August 12, 2021 General election but could not take off as one of the candidates BERNARD KHONDOWE of UPND died shortly before the polls.

The Parliamentary election is being conducted in line with Article 52 sub- article six of the constitution.

Seven candidates have been validly nominated for tomorrow’s poll with ESNART SAKALA standing on the ruling UPND, AARON MWANZA PF, WILBASE TEMBO on the Democratic Party and MASAUSO DAKA standing on the Socialist Party.

Others are CHARLES NYANOKA of Party for National Unity and Progress and two independent candidates namely YUNIKE MWALE and LISTED TEMBO who was MP in the area under the PF.