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Kasompe Market Shelter Commissioned

Chingola Municipal Council has commissioned Kasompe market shelter and three ablution block facilities at Kasompe, Mikiloni and Mimbula respectively.

The projects were constructed using Local Government Equalisation fund and Local generated funds.

Speaking during the commissioning Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombo said people had cried for a market shelter over a long time ago.

Mr Kang’ombo said Kasompe market shelter becomes the second biggest market shelter in the district.

He said this facility demonstrates Governments commitment to providing infrastructure development to members of the community.

The Mayor urged the community to trade in designated areas provided by the Council to desist from making the district dirty.

He said Chingola Municipal Council (CMC) has managed to construct more than ten modern market shelters in the district completed with terrazzo and lighting.

Speaking earlier Chingola Town Clerk Namukolo Kalufyanya said this is a milestone because out of the seven projects slated for construction under government equalization funds and Council’s locally generated funds, five projects have been completed and commissioned and two are yet to be completed.

And Christian Mambwe one of the Marketeers expressed gratitude to the Government because marketeers will trade in a good environment.