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Kasompe cries for mourners’ shelter

Kasompe ward Councillor Johnston Kan’gombe has implored Chingola Municipal Council to put up the mourners shelter at Kasompe cemetery.

Speaking during the full council meeting, Mr Kang’ombe said the people of Kasompe have suffered during burials because they don’t have anywhere to conduct burial services.

He said the people are exposed to the open sun with no shelter to provide a shade before burial or conduct body viewing.

Mr Kang’ombe said that it is bringing shame to the leaders when they invited for burial by members of the community as a result they shun burial because people have been complaining over one and the same thing.

“We are becoming a laughing stock over the same issue. I’m appealing for the quickest response as we are feeling ashamed to attend community burials,” he said.

Chingola Mayor said that the Council will engage the Town Clerk and see to it that a shelter is put up.

Meanwhile Chingola Central Ward Councillor George Kampamba has called on the council to provide waste bin especially during the last Saturday of the month which his dedicated to cleaning.

Mr Kampamba said once the cleaning is done people have no means of disposing off the dirt.

He said the exercise has received a good response especially from churches but it is in vain when they clean and then the dirty is spreads back again.

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